Composite photo art
   Recalling a treasured memory is most precious. Sometimes, imaginary memories are fun, as well.
                             This is where the art of Photo Composite comes into play. 
                                A boring photo is transformed into a " new " memory     

                                                          perhaps fulfilling a wishful dream ......


                                                                   becoming " a work of art "

   Incorporating digital, photo and graphic design and using an array of elements and virtual props, I                                  fuse together and create uniquely ORIGINAL, one-of-a-kind pieces

                These designs are then available in prints or transferred onto fabric pillows.

              Please enjoy some of my pieces that have been created for various customers

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Nicole is now Princess of the Sea - a mermaid back in her majestic element.
Giana Marie was but a lifeless photo on cardboard - welcoming but not lovingly displayed 

                    Once again, I was asked to make her image " portrait worthy"
This end result brought tears to her Mother's eyes
  Little Nicole's beauty was lackluster in this original photo taken by her Mom.

                     In this piece, I was asked to make her little mermaid " shine ".
This transformation is purely whimsical in nature
Perhaps my prized piece thus far:
Baby Aiden loves adventure with his giraffes 
Sweet Daisy
Here is Baby Greyson
And so Angelic